Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vitamin Water Joins The Coconut Water Competition With Coco Refresh

While in Brooklyn for Smorgasburg last weekend I had my first Vitamin Water Coco-Refresh, a new entry into the Coconut Water trend. I've tried Vita-Coco, and it was OK, maybe one or two of the other brands on the market, but they were nothing to write home about in my opinion. However the Vitamin Water was way more delicious and refreshing and I didn't feel like I was drinking something that was almost good. I'm sure it has a lot more sugar and calories that regular Coco Water, but I don't care. If I'm gonna drink something I have to enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. I was drinking something that was almost good. I'm sure it has a lot more sugar and calories that regular Coco Water, but I don't care..coconut water benefits
