All I gotta say is Oatmeal (Colorful Language) Friggin' Jammie! And I say choose the apricot filled, I could eat 12 of those things. The question is where is the Treats Truck today? You say what's the Treats Truck? Only the (Colorful Language...Again) Friggin' best thing ever to happen to the streets of NYC, that's what. Ok a bit of an overstatement but I am easily excited, especially when it comes to food and damn good oatmeal cookies. Anyway the Treats Truck travels around town setting up shop (mainly midtown) to sell scrumptiously baked goodies from Monday to Saturday. Check out their website
http://www.treatstruck.com/ to find out exactly where they will be each day and then
RUN to pick up some goodies to stuff your face with, that's what I do. For instance yesterday I felt a rumble in my tummy that only a huge, oversized rice crispy treat would satisfy and luckily for me the Treats Truck was just around the corner on 5th ave and 15th st from 4pm to 6pm. Running with a gait similar to a gazelle, I made my way outside to find the truck exactly where the website said it would be. Be sure to review the menu on their website so you can be prepared when you arrive, that way you won't waste anytime stuffing an Oatmeal (Here we go again) Friggin' Jammie in your mouth even before you have paid. Ok I want to clear something up...the term Friggin' in between Oatmeal and Jammie is all mine and don't want anyone to be disappointed when they arrive at the Treaks Truck and don't see it on the menu. Remember I am the excitable type. Anyway I digress. There's always lots to choose from; for instance the aforementioned (Rice) Crispy Treats (Way bigger than Mom's), the Chocolate Chipper, Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies, Brownies, Daily specials and other stuff. There's also a tray of samples that you can finger if patiently waiting in line. Wait there's more! They also have a frequent customer card that after 10 punches you get something, what that is I can't exactly remember because I'm always too busy stuffing my you-know-what. So like I said check it out, eat some goodies and tell all your friends to give the Treats Truck a try.
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