Friday, April 16, 2010

Rice NY: Another Great Place for a Crispy Treat

Seemingly always on the look out for a great tasting rice crispy treat I highly recommend the treats at Rice on 292 Elizabeth just above Houston. A bit pricey at $4.00 a pop but well worth the once-in-a-while expenditure. The street on which they are located could easily be assumed as a back alley and be missed, so be sure to remember the address. No need to walk into the restaurant for your treat as they have a convenient walk-up window for coffee and quick eats. The treats come in two choices: with cranberries or with apricots and are served in really great containers, its just a little thing but I love presentation. The difference between these treats and others is I usually tend to eat these alot slower instead of my usual stuff-my-face method which is very attractive. Here I like to take these home and enjoy them after dinner, somewhat because of the containers but because the added fruit makes it a bit more dessert-like and not so much a snack(to be shoved in my mouth). Also I always feel the need to share these and have other people, like my family, give them a try as well. Usually I am a bit more protective of my crispy treats, hence my normal intake of them, but like I said these are special. So when you have the chance and you are in the neighborhood give Rice a visit and your business. P.S. this is also a pretty good restaurant or so I hear, I will have to give it a try sometime and let you all know how it is.

Update 1:39pm: I forgot to include a link to Rice NY's website so make sure you check it out.

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